India Hate Lab (IHL)

TIME: Modi Win Will Only Mean More Trouble for Indian Muslims

The India Hate Lab, a Washington D.C.-based group that documents hate speech against India’s religious minorities, in its report of 2023 paints a grim picture of rising hate speech incidents against Muslims, totaling 668 documented cases. These incidents, often featuring calls for violence and spreading divisive theories, were predominantly concentrated in regions governed by the BJP, particularly […]

France 24: India awaits results of general election marred by ‘unprecented’ disinformation

India’s six-week election was staggering in its size and logistical complexity, but also in the “unprecedented” scale of online disinformation. Raqib Hameed Naik, from the US-based India Hate Lab, said they had “witnessed an unprecedented scale of disinformation” in the elections. “Conspiracy theories… were vigorously promoted to deepen the communal divide,” said Naik, whose organisation researches hate speech […]

CNN: Rising Hindu nationalism leaves Muslims fearful in India’s holy city

Anti-Muslim speech has also risen dramatically, a recent report by the Washington-based research group India Hate Lab showed, which documented 668 such cases in 2023. BJP politician T. Raja Singh openly called for violence against Muslims in an October speech in Rajasthan, proclaiming: “If they (Muslims) take one Hindu girl, we’ll take 10 of theirs.” At […]

BBC: Being Muslim in Modi’s India

And anti-Muslim hate speech has surged – three quarters of incidents were reported from states ruled by the BJP. “Muslims have become second-class citizens, an invisible minority in their own country,” says Ziya Us Salam, author of a new book, Being Muslim in Hindu India. But the BJP – and Mr Modi – deny that minorities are […]

PBS: Why elections in India, the world’s largest democracy, are crucial to watch

“These events have sent shockwaves among critics and dissidents, who are extremely worried about their own safety. with questions as to who is next on the list”, said Raqib Naik, a U.S. based journalist and founder of India Hate Lab, a research group that documents hate speech and polarization. Naik said that even in the […]
