India Hate Lab (IHL)

India Hate Lab Brief: Dangerous Rise of Anti-Muslim Hate Speech in India’s Elections

As Indians take to the polling booths for the world’s largest elections, the India Hate Lab has noted a discernable rise in anti-Muslim hate speeches at election rallies. This was most concerningly and illustratively showcased in Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s campaign speech in Rajasthan state on April 21.  “When they (the Congress) were in power, […]

Hate Speech Events in India— Report 2023

Executive Summary In 2023, India Hate Lab (IHL) documented 668 hate speech events targeting Muslims. Similarly, IHL recorded 255 of the events in the first half of 2023, while the number rose to 413 events in the second half of the year, a 62% increase. 498 (75%) of the events took place in Bharatiya Janata […]
