Independent: Muslim schools closed in most populous state ahead of major election
A large majority of these incidents occurred in states governed by the Hindu right-wing nationalist BJP, according to a report published this week by the India Hate Lab (IHL), a research group based in Washington, DC. The frequency of hate speech peaked from August to November last year – a period that coincided with political […]
Radio Canada: Anti-Muslim hate is on the rise in India, and it’s expected to get worse ahead of elections
According to a report released in February by IHL, India saw a large increase in hate speech in 2023, with a 62 per cent rise in the second half of the year. What we are witnessing is a huge wave of anti-Muslim hate speech, said the group’s founder, Raqib Hameed Naik. There were 668 hate speech events […]
Freedom House: Ahead of Landmark Elections, India’s Government Silences Dissent
Critics of Prime Minister Modi, the ruling party, or the Hindu nationalist policies that they champion are the prime targets of this censorship apparatus. In the first two months of 2024, the websites and social media accounts and posts that Indian authorities sought to scrub from the internet included Hindutva Watch and India Hate Lab, […]
CBC News: What’s driving hate rallies aimed at Muslims in one Indian state
The Quint: Hate Speech & Conspiracy Theories: Targeting Muslims With ‘Jihad’ Claims
A recent report by India Hate Lab, a Washington DC-based group, documented 668 instances of hate speech against the Muslim community in India, all of which took place in 2023. Averaging at two events per day, the report – titled ‘Hate Speech Events in India’ – said that 63 percent (420 instances) of all events […]
Asia Times: Modi riding the politics of hate to reelection
This concern is backed up by human rights organizations like India Hate Lab, which reported almost two anti-Muslim hate speech events per day in India last year, with 255 hate speech incidents occurring in the first half of 2023. The vast majority were in BJP-controlled states, the research shows. Tellingly, the websites of India Hate Lab […]
Reuters: Anti-Muslim hate speech soars in India, research group says
Anti-Muslim hate speech in India rose by 62% in the second half of 2023 compared to the first six months of the year, a Washington-based research group said on Monday, adding the Israel-Gaza war played a key role in the last three months. India Hate Lab documented 668 hate speech incidents targeting Muslims in 2023, […]
Independent: Anti-Muslim hate speech on the rise in India, research group reveals
India experienced an average of almost two instances of anti-Muslim hate speech every day in 2023, according to new figures from a US-based research group. A large majority of these incidents occurred in states governed by the Hindu right-wing nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) led by prime minister Narendra Modi, according to a report published this week by the India Hate Lab (IHL), a […]
Al Jazeera: How anti-Muslim hate speech is spreading in India
As India heads for a national vote in the upcoming months, a first-of-its-kind report by the IHL maps the spread of anti-Muslim hate speech across the country. The group documented a total of 668 hate speech events. Last month, the website of India Hate Lab was rendered inaccessible in India after the government blocked it under the controversial Information […]
The Straits Times: Anti-Muslim hate speech in India rose by 62 per cent in the second half of 2023
India Hate Lab said it tracked online activity of Hindu nationalist groups, verified videos of hate speech posted on social media, and compiled data on isolated incidents reported by Indian media. The research group said it used the United Nations’ definition of hate speech – prejudiced or discriminatory language towards an individual or group, based […]