India Hate Lab (IHL)

Free Press Journal: देशात द्वेषमूलक भाषणांत ६२ टक्के वाढ , वॉशिंग्टनस्थित ‘इंडिया हेट लॅब’चा अहवाल

भारतामध्ये सन २०२३च्या पूर्वार्धाच्या तुलनेत उत्तरार्धात द्वेषमूलक भाषणांमध्ये ६२ टक्क्यांनी वाढ झाल्याचा अहवाल वॉशिंग्टन डीसीस्थित इंडिया हेट लॅब या संस्थेने दिला आहे. गेल्या तीन महिन्यांत देशातील मुस्लीमविरोधी भाषणांत वाढ होण्यास हमास-इस्रायल युद्धाचा वाटा मोठा आहे. तसेच ७५ टक्के द्वेषमूलक भाषणांच्या घटना भाजपशासित राज्यांत होत आहेत, असेही अहवालात म्हटले आहे. हा अभ्यास करताना इंडिया हेट लॅबने […]

Zee News: गाजा हिंसा की वजह से भारत में बढ़ी मुसलमानों के प्रति नफरत! IHL रिपोर्ट में हुआ खुलासा

भारत में साल 2023 के शुरुआती 6 महीनों की तुलना में दूसरी छमाही में मुसलमानों के खिलाफ हेट स्पीच के मामले में 62 फीसद का इजाफा हुआ है. यह खुलासा अमेरिका के वॉशिंगटन में इंडिया हेट लैब (IHL) रिसर्च में हुआ है. India Hate Lab की तरफ से बताया गया है कि इसराइल-गाजा हिंसा की […]

WIRED: This Website Tracked Hate Crimes in India. Then the Government Took It Offline

India Hate Lab tracks incidents of religiously motivated violence perpetrated by supporters of the country’s right-wing government, helmed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Hindu-nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). Press freedom declined under Modi, leaving fewer spaces for those reporting critically of the government and the impact of its policies on the country’s minorities. In the lead […]

Human Rights Watch: Laws Misused to Crack Down on Peaceful Dissent

The authorities have also blocked access to the website of India Hate Lab, which tracks instances of hate speech. “India’s efforts to muzzle activist groups just highlight the extent to which the government is violating basic rights,” said Meenakshi Ganguly, deputy Asia director at Human Rights Watch. “Foreign governments concerned with India’s assault on civil society should […]

Al Jazeera: India Hate Lab blocked in India ahead of national vote

The website of India Hate Lab, another initiative dedicated to exclusively tracking hate speech in the country, can also no longer be accessed in India even though both platforms are available outside the country. “We received communication from MEITY (Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology) under the IT Act last week regarding the potential blocking of India […]

Rest of World: The man fighting against online hate speech in India (Interview)

With general elections around the corner, Raqib Hameed Naik’s digital hate speech database has its work cut out. “We are expanding our capacity by recruiting new interns and volunteers who can assist us in sifting through the vast volumes. We also started ‘India Hate Lab,’ dedicated exclusively to analyzing and tracking hate speech,” Naik told […]
