India Hate Lab (IHL)

Newsclick: 668 instances of hate speech in India in 2023

The report has revealed harrowing figures of hate speech on the rise in India. The data by the group features BJP, India’s ruling party, as a significant player in the functioning of hate speeches. The report stated that 498 out of 668 instances of hate speech took place in areas which had a BJP-led government. […]

The Wire: Hate Speech— How to Promote Amity?

All this becomes ratified in the latest report released by ‘India Hate Lab’, a Washington DC-based group that documents hate speech against India’s religious minorities. The report with the title ‘Hate Speech Events in India’, notes that while 255 events took place in the first half of 2023, “the number rose to 413 in the second half […]

Scroll: BJP-ruled states accounted for 75% of anti-Muslim hate speech events in 2023

Out of 668 documented anti-Muslim hate speech incidents in India last year, 498 or 75% took place in the Bharatiya Janata Party-ruled states, a report by Washington-based research group India Hate Lab said on Monday. The researchers used the United Nations’ definition of hate speech which describes it as pejorative or discriminatory language towards an individual or group based […]

Newslaundry: 668 hate speech events held in India in 2023, most of them in BJP states

India witnessed 668 documented hate speech events targeting Muslims in 2023, and at least 75 percent of these events were organised in BJP-governed states and UTs, and the national capital, as per a report by watchdog India Hate Lab. India Hate Lab is a Washington, DC-based research group run by journalists, academicians and researchers. In […]

ABP News: 1 साल में 62% बढ़ी मुस्लिम विरोधी हेट स्पीच, 75% घटनाएं BJP शासित सूबों से

हिंदुस्तान में साल 2023 के शुरुआती 6 महीनों की तुलना में दूसरी छमाही में मुसलमान विरोधी हेट स्पीच (नफरत वाले भाषण) में 62 फीसदी इजाफा हुआ है. यह खुलासा अमेरिका के वॉशिंगटन में इंडिया हेट लैब (आईएचएल) रिसर्च ग्रुप की रिपोर्ट के जरिए हुआ है. सोमवार (26 फरवरी, 2024) को शोध समूह की ओर से […]

Deccan Herald: Anti-Muslim hate speech at an all-time high in India

The research group said it used the United Nations’ definition of hate speech – prejudiced or discriminatory language towards an individual or group based on attributes including religion, ethnicity, nationality, race or gender. Rights groups have alleged mistreatment of Muslims under Modi, who became prime minister in 2014 and is widely expected to retain power […]

US News: Anti-Muslim Hate Speech Soars in India

About 75%, or 498, of those incidents took place in states governed by the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, according to the report. The states of Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh accounted for the most hate speech. Read More

Daily Sabah: India sees massive rise in anti-Muslim hate speech since Oct. 7

Between Oct. 7 – when Palestinian resistance group Hamas carried out an incursion of Israel, sparking the conflict in the Gaza Strip as Israel retaliated – and Dec. 31, there were 41 incidents of hate speech against Indian Muslims that mentioned the war, the report added. It accounted for about 20% of hate speech in […]

The Jakarta Post: Hate speech soars in India

There has been demolition of Muslim properties in the name of removing illegal construction and a ban on wearing the hijab in classrooms in Karnataka when the BJP was in power in that state. Read More

Agencia EFE: India records 62 percent increase in hate speech

Three out of four hate speeches were documented in states governed by the BJP, indicated the research group, which mentioned the names of several lawmakers from the party, who had especially contributed to inciting hatred. The report also indicated that the outbreak of the Gaza war on Oct. 7 was used “to stoke hatred towards […]
